Your body knows the answer
Your body knows the answer – sometimes you just need the signs and symptoms to be translated to words in order for it to come to your consciousness and give you the possibility for action. And thereby ease the symptoms partially or completely.
Kinesiology helps me to help you find the most effective way for you to be the best version of yourself – with the startingpoint of your wishes and symptoms.
When you are feeling well, in balance and full of energy, your bodys own healingabilities are being activated.

Consultation by phone or video-connection? Is that possible?
Tell me about your pain/symptoms, and I will guide you into how you can get better.
Does it work?
If you by the end of the consultation can't feel any difference within 24 hours, I will refund you the money for the consultation.

Coronavirus - og andre virusser
Selvfølgelig passer jeg på dig og mig!
Klinikken er indtil videre åben – med ekstra forholdsregler for at passe på dig, mig og alle andre:
Alle kontaktoverflader sprittes af mellem hver klient, ligesom der luftes grundigt ud.
Jeg vasker hænder endnu flere gange end jeg plejer.
Der er (som altid) klude beregnet til éngangsbrug på badeværelset – hvor der også sprittes af.
Hvis du føler dig utilpas, er sløj, har feber, er forkølet/hoster, har luftvejssymptomer eller andre tegn på forkølelse/influenza, bedes du flytte eller aflyse din aftale (der vil ikke blive opkrævet aflysningsgebyr ved sent afbud).
Kontakt læge efter behov.
Der er mulighed for online vejledning/konsultation over telefon og messenger, hvis du ønsker.
Skulle jeg få nogen af ovenstående symptomer aflyser jeg selvfølgelig også af respekt for dig og andre.
Pas godt på dig selv og andre.
What is kinesiology?

Kinesiology is a holistic way to perceive the human body. That is the chemical, the physical and the emotionally aspekt is part of the consultation (also named balancing the body).
The imbalances are being found by applying pressure to a muscle. The function of the muscles are linked to the bodys organs and their meridians, as it known from the 5000 year old chinese system, acupuncture. The muscles react to the pressure by holding the position or giving in.
Illness, pain or emotional instability can be viewed as an imbalance of this energysystem. There can be one or more causes for illness and pain, ex. stress, malnourishment, lack or overdosing of vitamins and minerals or heavy metals, to little exercise, wrong posture while working. The causes can also be of emotionally or spiritual sort.
The method for recreating balance in your body ex. massage, diet, supplements, acupressurepoints, integration of the brain or emotional releasing of stress is found by testing the muscles.
Kinesiology can be used for
Kinesiology is perfect for:
- Recreating balance in body, mind and soul
- Achieve goals faster – physically, emotionally or mentally
- Assisting in abillity to help yourself
- Improvement of immune system
- Achieve insigth in your own patterns of reaction, and if beneficial help to change them
- Test what weakens you (foods, cosmetic, poor body posture, thoughts, emotions etc.)
- Test what gives you more power (foods, foodsupplements, homeopathy, thoughts, reflexpoints etc.)
- Headaches and pain from joints and muscles
- Menstrual difficulties and low fertility
- Allergy and eczema
- High/low bloodpressure and cholesterol
- Reducing and preventing stress and reactions to stress
- Digestive problems
- Better selfesteem and self confidence
- Learning difficulties
- Treatment of injuries, blows to the body, sprains, faintings, schock etc.
- Improving body consciousness and body posture
- Personal growth
Who benefits from kinesiology?
In short, everyone who wants to improve health and wellbeing physically, mentally, emotionally or spiritually.
If you have sense of being stuck, allthough you have done everything you can or you feel you lack power to move on, kinesiologi is great “tool” at gain knowledge of possible blocks and inner resistance – and to guide you to new directions.
Is kinesiology suitable for kids?
Yes, kinesiologi is also suitable for kids in all ages. Yonger kids/babies are balanced through their parent. This way your childs gets balanced whether sleeping, running around or sitting comfortably in your arms.
Your body knows the answer
Your body knows the answer – sometimes you just need the signs and symptoms to be translated to words in order for it to come to your consciousness and give you the possibility for action. And thereby ease the symptoms partially or completely.
Kinesiology helps me to help you find the most effective way for you to be the best version of yourself – with the startingpoint of your wishes and symptoms.
When you are feeling well, in balance and full of energy, your bodys own healingabilities are being activated.
What is kinesiology?

Kinesiology is a holistic way to perceive the human body. That is the chemical, the physical and the emotionally aspekt is part of the consultation (also named balancing the body).
The imbalances are being found by applying pressure to a muscle. The function of the muscles are linked to the bodys organs and their meridians, as it known from the 5000 year old chinese system, acupuncture. The muscles react to the pressure by holding the position or giving in.
Illness, pain or emotional instability can be viewed as an imbalance of this energysystem. There can be one or more causes for illness and pain, ex. stress, malnourishment, lack or overdosing of vitamins and minerals or heavy metals, to little exercise, wrong posture while working. The causes can also be of emotionally or spiritual sort.
The method for recreating balance in your body ex. massage, diet, supplements, acupressurepoints, integration of the brain or emotional releasing of stress is found by testing the muscles.
Kinesiology can be used for
Kinesiology is perfect for:
- Recreating balance in body, mind and soul
- Achieve goals faster – physically, emotionally or mentally
- Assisting in abillity to help yourself
- Improvement of immune system
- Achieve insigth in your own patterns of reaction, and if beneficial help to change them
- Test what weakens you (foods, cosmetic, poor body posture, thoughts, emotions etc.)
- Test what gives you more power (foods, foodsupplements, homeopathy, thoughts, reflexpoints etc.)
- Headaches and pain from joints and muscles
- Menstrual difficulties and low fertility
- Allergy and eczema
- High/low bloodpressure and cholesterol
- Reducing and preventing stress and reactions to stress
- Digestive problems
- Better selfesteem and self confidence
- Learning difficulties
- Treatment of injuries, blows to the body, sprains, faintings, schock etc.
- Improving body consciousness and body posture
- Personal growth
Who benefits from kinesiology?
In short, everyone who wants to improve health and wellbeing physically, mentally, emotionally or spiritually.
If you have sense of being stuck, allthough you have done everything you can or you feel you lack power to move on, kinesiologi is great “tool” at gain knowledge of possible blocks and inner resistance – and to guide you to new directions.
Is kinesiology suitable for kids?
Yes, kinesiologi is also suitable for kids in all ages. Yonger kids/babies are balanced through their parent. This way your childs gets balanced whether sleeping, running around or sitting comfortably in your arms.
Do you have questions?
Contact me
– without obligations –
Do you want to book an appointment?
Do you have questions?
Contact me
– without obligations –
Do you want to book an appointment?
Kinesiology - also by stress and cancer
Katrines experience with stress
Katrine found herself sitting in her car with her daughter beside her – she didn’t know where she was. Katrine had stress…
(Currently no english subtitles)
Bents experience with cancer and kinesiology
Bent was diagnosed with cancer – lymphoma. Kinesiology helped Bent prepare for chemo and recover between the chemotreatments.
Bent also had help figuring out, why he got cancer and had tools to deal with situations with a lot of pressure.
(Currently no english subtitles)
Book your appointment here (online)
If you prefer to write or call, please find my information here.
Your assurance of professional treatment
I am DK-Kinesiologist (RAB) and member of Danske Kinesiologer.
DK-Kinesiologer ® has a minimum of 500 specified kinesiology-lessons and are examinees.
RAB (Registered Alternative Therapist) has a minimum of 250 specified kinesiology-lessons and 200 lessons in anatomi & physiology and 100 lessons in diseases. As a RAB-registered the education are updated regularly.
Ethical rules can be read here (in danish).